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The world as the elites see it:  The Great Reset

The world as the elites see it: The Great Reset

As previously promised, today I will tackle the Great Reset as proclaimed by the World Economic Forum. The world, or better our planet, has experienced many different resets. From plate tectonics, the interaction of lithospheric, solid plates tearing the mantle of the...

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The world, as seen by the elites

The world, as seen by the elites

Sometimes the German language, with its long, put-together super-words, has retained an expression that is perfect to describe a phenomenon or a person. To characterize some people in my article, the German and Africaans word Grosskopfetig, meaning fat headedness,...

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The hallmarks of communism

The hallmarks of communism

The word hallmark stood for the impressed stamp on gold, silver or Platinum bars, or currency, guaranteeing the value of the commodity.  Time changed the meaning of the word to include deep, indelible characteristics or attributes of many things including...

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The predicted war

The predicted war

As I watch the columns of cold, hapless refugees move into Poland, my soul recoils. These pictures allow memories, long repressed to rise in my consciousness. I see a mother with two toddlers, the picture of my own mother twenty-four-years old, holding my sister in...

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The republic needs a miracle—or it will be no more

The republic needs a miracle—or it will be no more

It took me a long time to finally conclude that to truly understand humanity, those belonging had to be classified in terms of psychological proclivity. Perhaps, arriving so late at this understanding was my reluctance to categorize humans as if they were groups of...

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