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What is capitalism?

What is capitalism?

If it were not for all the Democrat candidates maligning capitalism and proposing ridiculous monetary social schemes for the population, it would never have occurred to me to write, or even think, about capitalism.  We all think that we know what the word means. It is...
A quick way to ruin a good country

A quick way to ruin a good country

On September 4, 1970 the Marxist Salvador Allende was elected President of Chile by a bloc of Socialists, Communists and Radicals. Allende was a life-long Marxist/Communist who founded a socialist party at university where he studied for a medical degree in 1932. As...
Mr. Schiff’s KGB methods

Mr. Schiff’s KGB methods

Lately, whenever I meet with friends who immigrated to the U. S. and became citizens, we speak fearfully of the changes in America. We find that once again we live in   a country governed by an oligarchy of tyrants. The heavy hand of the Democrat party is felt by us...
A most troublesome partner in war or peace

A most troublesome partner in war or peace

Perhaps you noticed the two articles about Turkey and its leader Erdogan in the Wall Street Journal on Thursday, November 14, 2019, and noticed that both articles expressed troubling observation. The first article by Vivian Salma and Michael Gordon was headlined...