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When the most interesting article in the Wall Street Journal is a Life and Arts piece—Revelry Restored in Bruegel’s “Wedding Dance,” (Wednesday, January 1, 2020), despite the Impeachment is going on, boredom has reached a high mark. Yes, it has. I gave up listening to House proceedings after the first two minutes of The Schiff Show. Every so often I would check in and tune out immediately, for Schiff was still flaying a dead horse. I gave up even doing cursory checks, for the proceedings were mindless falsehoods and mind-numbing drivel that I knew the president’s attorneys would pound into dust of the chaff it was. Actually, one should have accorded Schiff recognition for the ability to orate for two hours about nothing, if it had not been for the following show when he presented the articles of impeachment to the Senate. Adam Schiff’s performance there, during opening arguments by the house managers in the Senate last Wednesday, was another large construction of nothing. It was two hours, as my mother would say, “of a stew so thick with prevarications that it was impossible to discern where the facts were.”

He was followed by Chuck Schumer whom Kimberley A. Strassel in an opinion piece January 24, 2020, characterizes: The most dangerous place for Democrats is Chuck Schumer in front of a TV camera.” Yes, it was magnificent. Schumer, like Schiff, thrives on the lime-light and orates for hours without having a seizure. Chuck managed in short order to offend half the country and every Republican Senator. Congratulations on a rare effort to dig your own grave. At this point, I felt compelled to do cursory research into the minds of friends, acquaintances and foes. It revealed an astounding amount of disinterest, with liberal/progressives dismissing the whole thing with an emotional, “he is guilty and must be removed!” When I questioned why and asked for reasons, they offered nothing of substance, but speaking like Pelosi, “he just has to go. He is un-presidential. He tweets. “Already on Thursday 23, 2020, the Wall Street Journal relegated the matter removed from the front. Friday, 24, 2020 an enormous Headline greeted the reader. Democrats Say Abuse of Power Warrants Presidents Removal. Well, you innocents! That is a hard charge to prove and you forgot that there has been no trial, and the president has been given no chance to prove his innocence. An illegal alien gets more of a trial before removal. Jay Sekulow, an attorney for the president, cannot wait to lay out “many schools of thought” for the public to see what is a real impeachable offense. It seems the house wanted to prevented the president’ name from being on the ballots next election, for they know they have nothing to show for their occupation of the House.

I could hardly wait for Monday to arrive to hear the Republican opposition.