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Women’s health issues that are ignored

Women’s health issues that are ignored

Lately, it’s that time of life, I find myself discussing subjects with women friends that are never spoken of anywhere else. They are the things so often couched in the vague term female problems. And, as our hormonal and anatomical changes are of no interest to...
Our brave new world without binary males and females

Our brave new world without binary males and females

“All sexual activity arises in the brain,” said one of my psychology professors over forty years ago. In that statement he included how people see themselves other than the binary male and female state of their biology. Biology determines the sex with which we are...
Decorum and behavior—signs of a person’s inner worth

Decorum and behavior—signs of a person’s inner worth

During a long good life, I have had the opportunity to study and observe many cultures, societies and single individuals. Studying anthropology, I am familiar with many cultures and societies. In the best of them, not always the ones we deem civilized, my colleagues...
Brexit saves Britannia

Brexit saves Britannia

Friday, January 31, 2020 at 11 PM London time, the European Union lost one of its most powerful, wealthy members. Despite machinations and setting of obstacles, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, the new Prime Minister, pulled forcefully through all adversity and accomplished what he set out to do—Brexit.