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For as long as I can remember, America was the shield between Russia, the former Soviet Union, and West Germany. I grew up in the secure knowledge that if Russia’s military would cross the border, American might would protect Germany, and with it, all of Europe. I must remind you that I grew up in East Germany, occupied by the Russians, yet we still cherished the feeling that Russia could not extend its power; and, if it tried to annex West Germany, the avenging American military might free the East from the Soviets also.

To this purpose, America kept, at an immense cost, bases for generations in West Germany, keeping Europe integrated in NATO. All of Europe was, and is, in favor of NATO, with America in the lead. However, slowly the resolve to self-defend died in the younger European generations. A frugal German chancellor with close connections to Russia, and the elites of other countries with enlightened ideas of world-encompassing peacefulness, reneged on the pledges to NATO. Americans have heard repeatedly from the offices of three different presidents that the European members of NATO were, and still are not, paying their 2% of GDP for their military protection. Why would not these countries happily provide for their protection from common enemies? Well, one reason is the elite’s global lunatic giddiness in the assumption that world peace can be had if everyone would just do their part, (e.g. the Iranian atomic deal.) If everyone shared resources, suddenly all would be well. For a long time, European leaders, secure in the knowledge that America would provide military protection, welched on their commitment. Generous American taxpayers made up all the shortfalls and kept NATO limping along. President Trump blew a wake-up trumpet, but as Walter Russel Mead documents in the Wall Street Journal’s February 18, 2020 edition, the support for NATO is thin. The populations of the European countries do not want to go to war to save their neighbors. Surveyed, 50% of respondents said no—they would not fight. “Only 38% supported honoring their commitment to their NATO allies. What that means is that Europe’s young people have lost their will to stand up for their survival as free nations. Walter Russel Mead quotes “that only 34% of Germans, 25% of Greeks and Italians 36% of Czechs, 33% of Hungarians, and 41% of French believe that their countries should fulfill their treaty obligations if another European country is attacked.”

“Of all NATO countries only the U.S., the U.K., the Netherlands and Lithuania had majorities voting for mutual defense.” It makes one think, let the effete Europeans go down in ignominy. Mead surmises, “that these “enlightened” populations think nationalism and love for country runs counter to their enlightened knowledge of cosmopolitan solidarity.” One must ask, do these Europeans even understand what kind of world they are living in? Walter Russel Mead thinks that the Europeans replaced nationalism with fantasy; the belief that one can have security and prosperity without defense. Their countries lack of solidarity makes international order impossible. I agree. NATO, without U. S. support is already a paper tiger. However, while the masses of Europeans do not want to exert themselves, the same people still trust that America will fulfill its obligations and our young men will fight their wars.

Well, one of my friends who served in WWII, commented, we saved the idiots once before. They did not learn. Let them fight their own battles and see how well they do.”

I wish it were that easy.