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Common sense gets overpowered by bad science

Common sense gets overpowered by bad science

In times like ours I delight in debate with my grandsons—fifteen and seventeen years old. Until recently we mostly saw the world in terms of common understanding. Lately our debates have become acrimonious, not only because of the corona virus, but because of the...
A lockdown insanity without end

A lockdown insanity without end

The headline for my article was not minted in my mind. It came from the mouth of a German Professor of virology and, translated reads thus: Corona Wahn ohne Ende. I came by this interesting statement via German Servus TV where Dr. Professor Suchart Bhakdi was...
The COVID misinformation war

The COVID misinformation war

As the days pass, every hour, new information is being disseminated about the death count of the infectious corona virus. New models with projections of how many citizens can be counted on to die are put forth, only to be countered with different numbers a few hours...