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Whatever happened to truth, goodness and beauty

Whatever happened to truth, goodness and beauty

Colleges, universities and schools have, throughout the ages, taught young minds under the motto, Veritas, Bonitas, Pulchritudo. Which, translated from Latin, means Truth, Goodness and Beauty. Why have these motifs, meant to encourage searching and attaining a higher...
Who is behind the World Health Organization

Who is behind the World Health Organization

In case you have not seen the OAN-video, entitled The Final Point, about the people behind the World Health Organization (WHO), I will give you an enlarged version. The WHO, despite its mission statement of acting in the interest of all the peoples in the world, has...
Confessions of a former Green Leftist

Confessions of a former Green Leftist

I have no idea how my name landed in the notification file of Dr. Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Green Peace. Perhaps my name showed up in an old document, for once, I, too, was a believer in the organization. Dr. Moore helped start Green Peace in 1971 while being a...