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During all these months that we observed the social distancing and the masking of our faces, becoming soulless zombies pleading only with our eyes for acknowledgement, I conducted an informal survey of friends, family and strangers, those who wanted to talk with me, if they personally had a Covid-19 stricken person close to them, or someone who in their circle had died of Covid-19. There were no positive answers. They had heard of, or their friends had heard of someone who got ill, but only two could point to a friend or relation and say, “this person had it, recovered or died from it.”

This survey strengthened the believes that many of us held, when we compared the provided statistical numbers to those, that the media pushed.

So it comes as no surprise, when one reads in the Washington Examiner that Americans, when questioned in a survey, wildly overstated the case numbers of sick and dead Covid-victims. Many American citizens believe that 20% of the population had been ill from the virus, and that 9% had died from it.

The reality is that 1% of Americans had suffered from the illness, and that 0.04% had died from it. Therefore, the number of deaths is overstated 225 times. Now you know why we follow the Covid rules like sheep. We are not alone with this fallacious mind-set. People in other countries also overstated the rate of deaths in their countries. In Sweden by a 100 times, in Denmark 300 times. Comparing these two countries, one can see that the overly frightened mind drives masking. Sweden masks only with 15% compliance while Denmark is highly compliant.

The overstatement of facts, of course, feeds the compliance of mask wearing and distancing, keeping people penned in homes, influencing consumer behavior, voter sentiment, and large amounts of money spent by the government to keep people happy and compliant.

If you wish to check the facts for yourself, the Washington Examiner is on Facebook.