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The American Press— cover and mouthpiece for Democrats

The American Press— cover and mouthpiece for Democrats

A few years ago, I wrote an article about Hunter Biden and his dubious dealings in Ukraine. It was during the time when the Democrats hounded Donald Trump about the “Russia Connection.” Little did they know then that they had stirred a hornet’s nest for the Ex-Vice...
Islamic terror hidden from view

Islamic terror hidden from view

I doubt that you saw the small notice, even if it was displayed by a major news outlet, for they shelter extreme Islamists from their terrible acts and the criticism that surely follows.  So you may have failed to note that in France, Islamist terrorism is the...
California—glad I fled you

California—glad I fled you

I don’t know if I am prescient or just lucky. But I left California in the first days of February 2020, seeking a new home in Nevada. I had the feeling that big money grabs were coming—and here they are! In a Wall Street Journal opinion piece, from Thursday, October...
Another confirmation circus has begun

Another confirmation circus has begun

Yes, the confirmation circus has begun. After more than five hours of opening statements by senators, judge Amy Coney Barrett finally was allowed to speak. She opened with this profound remark. “Courts are not designed to solve every problem, or right every wrong in...