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Through all the years of China’s favorite nation status, and the privileges accrued this nation as a developing country, we now reap the results of this special nurturing.

A new Pentagon report paints a grim picture of America’s reality when facts are compared to China. The language used by the Pentagon is daunting. It suggests, “that a toe to toe balancing with China is out if the question.”

Well, how could it be otherwise. America is settled with a divided population. Furthermore, we have a Vice President running for the presidency who has closely collaborated with the Chinese government when he was a part of the Obama administration.

The Pentagon document entitled “Military and Security developments in the Peoples Republic of China,” points out the many cases where China has already far surpassed the U.S. Since 2019 China posses the the world’s largest standing ground force and leading maritime militia. China has the world’s largest navy; it also has the world’s largest coast guard and dwarves the air-forces of any Indo-Pacific power.

As if this is not depressing enough, any known Communist entity will use their power at the whim of a party leader. It was also recounted that China has the world’s largest strategic missile force, with more ballistic missiles than the rest of the world combined. How could that fact have escaped the attention of the watch dogs of the United Nations or America? What the U. S. is facing today is not the Soviet Union from yore, says the Pentagon report. No, the West faces a China that has the ability to use its market forces to wreck our economy. Thanks to our loving help, we have created a monolith that can outspend, out-produce, and outmatch America. That is a thing Russia could never do.

While America embroils itself abroad with ephemeral topics like LGBT discrimination, trying to force left-wing social values onto other cultures, China benignly smiles, and says—we don’t care. Do as you wish. We just like to sell arms and other goods we produce.

From the beginning of America’s relationship with China there was the hope that eventually China could become a democracy. This hope was exposed as fundamentally flawed. China has risen to autocracy and authoritarian capitalism.

“Seeing this competition as primarily ideological, will misconstrue its nature—with potentially catastrophic results.” Eldridge Colby and Robert Kaplan address this issue in their latest essay. They say that China thinks that its time is finally here, as the United States is forced to concentrate elsewhere. And how astute an assumption this is. Here is America, the great, being torn apart by Socialist want to-be-emperors, who hope to rule the world one day. No country can remain fully functioning, sovereign and the strongest in the world when it is internally slashed to pieces by the Communist/Socialist Left.