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On May 12, 2020 Russia’s President Vladimir Putin released an edict: the economy will be on track—the non-working days are over for all sectors of the economy. With this simple statement he declared the Covid 19 virus to be dealt with. Moscow, the epicenter of the disease in Russia, only had a 9-week lockdown that ended June 9th. Henceforth, all was open to commerce and living again. Masks are not required. Self-respect is asked to prevail to prevent infection.

Why do you think Russia did this in May and early June? Because they did not want to ruin their economy and their lives. Everyone out there in the world knows that only crazy rich America can print money out of proportion to the GDP and have a population on the feeding trough large enough to support the concept of national sloth. In one of Putin’s speeches he declared Russia could better deal with the Covid virus because the government has a united population behind it in support. Putin sounded almost feeling sorry for America and President Trump because of the riots and the pernicious division existing among the populace. And… the World Health Organization proudly announced that there was no more need for lockdown in Russia, so why is there a need for a lock-down in America?

But it is not only Russia’s thinking that the Democrat governors, with their Caesarean shut downs of all life, are out of order. Many European countries eased their restrictions for the reason that the need for normalcy is greater than the protection derived from the shut-down. Two months ago Dutch schools opened. In some areas at least partially, for the harm to children locked up has been found to be greater than the relatively small possibility of infection. Germany, too, is open for business with a reminder of distancing and face-covering, but of that, there is very little to be seen.

I can go on ad nauseam. China is open for business. The WHO is fine with it. Meanwhile, Americans are crazed with fears, and reluctant to embrace life-saving inhalers and medicines because the President advocated for them. Here are some statistics sent to me:

Less than ½ of one percent of the people becoming infected with Covid die—most of those die of other causes.

35 million of people are unemployed. Some do not want to work because the benefits are greater than their regular earnings. The loss of physical touch and closeness causes distress and dehumanizes. As a society we devalued the law by emptying our prisons because of the virus. The criminals roaming the streets love it, their victims are hopeless, and adding to that, we defund the police in the cities with the largest crime waves. Are we mad? Or are we deliberately destroying this country?

Here is a statement by Victor Hanson Davis that describes our cultural suicide. He refers to the observations by the two great historians Oscar Spangler and Arthur Toynbee, who explained the demise of well-working societies as cultural suicide. The explanation thereof is: in every case of these historical cultural deaths, rich, pampered, arrogant elites feel that they are above their ancestors moral and spiritual laws like thrift, moderation and transcendence. To that, I might add, that they also feel they are entitled to rule and the populace is to bow to their dictates.