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As the days pass, every hour, new information is being disseminated about the death count of the infectious corona virus. New models with projections of how many citizens can be counted on to die are put forth, only to be countered with different numbers a few hours later. It began with Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease in the NIH, when he made a statement on January 26, as he was then being interviewed by John Catsimatidis. He said Americans should not be worried about the Chinese Virus. “It’s a very low risk in the United States.”

Since this enormous underestimation, he predicted 100K plus potential deaths in the U. S., as reported March 29, 2020 in the Associated Press. Then he said there could be fewer deaths. On April, 9, 2020 he guessed there could be as few as 60,000, as reported by Emily Czachor.

The good doctor spewed out unverifiable data practically every day, as he gloried in TV-importance. At one point, early on, he predicted that the corona virus problem could be with us deep into 2021. It seemed he relished that prospect.

There is an other aspect of our dilemma that I observed. A growing number of Corona Celebrities have evolved, all sounding equally important and all-knowing, each bringing forth models and statistics, and I predict all will be loath to give up the lime-light.

With all the projections, models and over-estimations, as in the over projections of needed New York beds and supplies, (it is interesting that not one under-estimate has been made,) the American citizen, relegated to his home is treated like a pathogen-carrying sheep confined to a pen by governmental entities. Our capacity to think for ourselves, and our life-time acquired knowledge is being dismissed by little potentates who never thought they could wield that much power over their fellow citizens.

It seems the fewer cases of the virus are counted, the more draconian the measures become. Last week I was in Costco without masque, now everyone is to have one, in a county without virus deaths. Never mind the fact that masques still cannot be bought anywhere.

One of the latest suggestions from the esteemed virus-cognoscenti was to eliminate shopping for groceries. Have these highly educated people forgotten that we, the “potentially pathogen carriers” must eat, and will die quicker without food than we would from any virus.