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As my entire social life is concentrated in a small circle of healthy people, all shut off, I have ample time to peruse the many problems associated with viruses. Almost every flu epidemic plaguing the world had its antecedents in China or Asia. Some time ago I read an interesting account by a virologist who hypothesized why that is the case. He believes the home-grown agricultural system of Asia, but especially in China allows for viral disease to jump from species to species and, thereby, modifying, returning in ever new forms afflicting humans. The backyard of every rural Chinese home, wherever size allows, contains a pond for raising carp, ducks and geese. The backyard is also home to a few pigs. The researcher believed that the communally fed animals, often feeding on each other’s feces harbored viruses that eventually, in the pigs morphed into a form transferable to humans. An interesting theory. Now, I have heard that the wet-markets, where animals of many species, including cats, dogs, bats, snakes and anything found in the jungle, caged together and slaughtered under less than clean conditions, is the breading ground for viruses.

However, experts have come to agree, that beyond these conditions, the corona virus is something very unique and special. Something concocted in a laboratory with new and different attributes. Add to that, the suspicious way China handled the outbreak in its own country. Doctors reporting on the threat disappeared, its been reported they might have been killed. China’s Communist party already in December bought 2 billion masks and protective gear off the world market, much from the markets of their “allies,” while still telling the world there was no human to human transmission. That purchase happened, although the Chinese are the the greatest manufacturer of such equipment, responsible for the world’s purchase of half of of such equipment. The Communist Party also lied to the World Health Organization about communicability of their virus. The top officials of WHO, although knowing better by that time, carried the lie for China and allowed air travel to continue all over the world, spreading the business-killing disease over the globe. Had it not been for President Trump’s stopping China air-travel, who knows what else would have befallen our country.

The very purchase of the containment equipment tells of China’s full knowledge of the severity of the bug hatched in Wuhan, a province of 11.08 million people. A large province, the Communists shut down in almost an instant, while still telling the world there was nothing to fear. As the Communists bought 2 billion dollar’s worth of masks and gowns from Canada and the U. S. and Europe, soon a veritable war began for such supplies. Berlin accused the U. S. of confiscation a shipment of 200, 000 face masks in Bangkok that Berlin authorities had paid for. Berlin called this an act of piracy. This, in an article from the DW German Media Center. The New York Times reports on a global Face Masks War, with prices for the product rising precipitously.

Meanwhile, we cannot get masks. I do not feel I need one. My community is exceedingly healthy. But we are quarantined, although I can still take my daily walk.

Will we change our lives when this things is over? I hope so. Much unnecessary travel, purchasing and consumption will have revealed itself. Many more moms will cook again—healthier food than before, and kids will have found that they can entertain themselves. Many teachers also will have entered the realm of the obsolete, while many others will be found to be indispensable.