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“All sexual activity arises in the brain,” said one of my psychology professors over forty years ago. In that statement he included how people see themselves other than the binary male and female state of their biology.

Biology determines the sex with which we are born, and with few exceptions, which are described in the classical literature as hermaphroditic, nothing changes these binary expressions. True, hormones play a role in the way some people feel about themselves, but there are many examples in the medical and psychological literature suggesting that the individual’s thought- processes influence how biological dualism is dealt with.

I was appalled to watch high-school races on TV in which two fully grown males, muscled and dreadlocked competed in a “girl’s race,” and, of course, not only won the race, but set new records in the female high school field. Wow! Is anyone surprised that a grown male—imagining himself to be female—is faster than the girls?

I wondered why the entire girl’s-team did not instantly resign in protest. However, they were probably afraid to take on the progressive proponents of the new line that dictates that male and female characteristics are social contracts instead of biology, and that therefore it follows that everyone regardless of anatomy can freely choose what they want to be. Perhaps they could avoid the whole sex identity thing altogether and become an adherent of the newly created gender indent group—a bespoke special club whose males menstruate and are in need of Cotex, give birth, like the only other group in all of Fauna, the Seahorse, and are likely to suckle babies.

My imagination fails me to create visions of what the females of this bespoke group might be capable of.

On tonight’s news I was apprised that three athlete high school girls have filed lawsuits to combat this grave unfair insanity. Let’s watch if reason wins the upper hand.