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What is a Socialist Election you might ask? Well, it is an election only a Socialist can win because it it’s rigged. I predicted a Democratic/Socialist landslide in July 2020 when I saw Democrat governors were rigging the voting system. Using the Covid pandemic as an excuse to shape their states after California, that has not elected a Republican president since 2010, they changed the voting laws of their states.

2010 was the year Jerry brown won the governorship for a third non-consecutive term, followed by another term. Four years in office with state house and senate majorities, the Dems figured out how to control the ballot box, how to bundle votes, and use illegal votes—so I have been told—to elect almost only house and senate members. I believed this to be true, for I had seen the same thing in Oregon, where I heard me Democrat friends discuss the death of a Democrat Senator as follows, “They need his vote to win. So keep him on ice and tell no one of his death until we can get his vote registered, then he can be dead—not before.” Therefore, I knew that, at least this bunch of Democrats in Oregon, knew no scruples when it came to winning. Power—the uppermost goal.

Here in Nevada, the governor called in a special session in July in the middle of the night and without one Republican vote changed several of the laws guiding voting procedures. (I wrote about this law-less procedure at the time it occurred.) One of the changes was the mailing out of ballots to everyone. Here are some of the strange things that occurred with such a reckless mailing drive. The voter roles were not properly cleansed of dead and moved away voters. So, many ballots fell into the wrong hands. For example, my cleaning lady, a Republican received no ballot. However, her three year deceased mother, a Democrat, received a ballot. Such cases abound and the Republican party filed a complaint with United States attorney William Barr, citing at least 3,400 fraudulent irregularities.

The modus operandi of such an election is very familiar to me. I heard about from grandmother. It brought Hitler to power. As a child, and later as a voting young adult, yes, they made us vote at eighteen, I observed how the Communists checked all the ballots and removed what they did not like. We always had, as everyone mockingly observed, another win for the SED party. No other party ever won in all the years I lived there—much like California. If we cannot correct this election, we are doomed to repeat the same thing over and over again—electing only Socialist/Democrats.